Polymer Clay, Foil and Wood. LC 7" x 10" 1/2 x 2" 3/4 - Orgullosamente Mexicane 7" 1/2 x 12" x 2" 3/4 - On My Forehead 7" 1/2 x 12" 1/2 x 2" 3/4
The Nopal is a critical cactus in Mexico, and its relevance dates back to pre-Hispanic times. The cactus has been represented in the Mexica/Aztec culture and is in the Mexican coat of arms. This sacred cactus represents the land and is a typical ingredient of Mexican gastronomy. Unfortunately, some people use the Nopal as a symbol of racism and classism, such as the slur "Nopal en al Frente" or Nopal on the forehead. This slur refers to not having European facial characteristics. In this piece, I reclaim the slur by showing how proud I am of my heritage as a Mexican. The sculptures symbolize my identity as a Mexican immigrant and my relation to the land. I used the cactus to create a landmark and position myself as the other. The writing in the cactus serves as a memento rendering the Mexican Diaspora.