Polymer Clay, Needle, Foil and Wire. 9" 1/2 x 16" x 3"
“My Heart Pin” is an art piece that I created to show a tradition that has Aztec and Catholic roots. In the Aztec culture, human sacrifices were a common practice where human hearts were offerings to the gods. In the Catholic religion, the signifier of the sacred heart was to symbolize the love and sacrifice that Jesus made for the human race. As a part of my background, these meanings influence my practice and allow me to express additional meanings, such as the love that I feel about an event where I will be wearing the piece, or the importance to me that it is to be present at the moment that I am wearing it. To create the sculpture and shape, I mold a piece of foil into the form of a heart and cover it with clay shaping and creating texture with tools. After, I use wire to create the arteries and follow a similar process.